Alcester Grammar School places great emphasis upon high levels of attendance and punctuality, believing this to be a vital component in ensuring students gain maximum benefit from their school experience, as well as preparing them for later life in the workplace.
On the day absences
In the event that a student is unable to come into school due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance, the absence must be reported by a parent/carer by 8.50AM latest, each and every morning of absence.
Here is some useful guidance from the NHS: Is my child too ill for school?
Years 7 -11 | 7- 11 on the day Absence Form |
Sixth Form | Sixth Form on the day Absence Form |
In the event that we have not heard from a parent/carer, we will make contact via email or phone call as soon as possible.
Leave of Absence Request
Only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence. Parents/ Carers should make the request, giving as much notice as possible, using the below form.
We are not permitted to authorise an absence retrospectively as per the DFE guidelines. Retrospective requests will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Requests for authorised leave of absence may include reasons such as compassionate leave, medical/ dental appointments, musical exams, competing in sports events etc.
All requests are considered individually, taking into account the circumstances of the request.
Whole School | Absent Request Form Click Here |
Important Information for Parents/Carers
- This form MUST be completed by the parent(s)/resident parent/carer(s) before requests will be considered
- Please complete a Leave of Absence form for each student
- The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 as amended by Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2013 no longer permit Head Teachers to authorise leave for holidays
- The Principal may grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances
- If the exceptional circumstances are agreed, the Principal will determine the length of the absence authorised
- Requests for Leave of Absence should be made before any arrangements confirmed or money committed
- If a Leave of Absence is granted please contact school to discuss measures to minimise the impact of the absence on your child’s academic progress
Please note: Parents do not have any entitlement to take their child on holiday during term time.