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House System

Monday 3rd June 2024 saw the relaunch of the AGS House System. Five new houses, named after the trees which grow along the banks of the nearby Arrow Nature Reserve, began to take root. 

Each House is supported by a Head of House and a Sixth Form Team known as SALT, (Student Ambassador Leadership Team), which consists of two Senior Ambassadors, two Communication and Outreach Ambassadors, two Events Ambassadors and two Finance and Charity Ambassadors. The SALT team for 2024-25 can be found here on the school website. (The House year runs from Easter to Easter and a new SALT team will be elected after the hustings in March 2025.)

There will also be House positions elected in the lower years. Holders of these offices as well as leading house assemblies, organising and running House events and fundraising, will also represent AGS at school events. Every member of Staff across the AGS community is in a House and is able to award House points.

During the school day, House points are awarded according to two categories in line with our school ethos: AGS Learner and DHB (Decent Human Being) behaviour. Points are also awarded for entering and participating in a wide range of House competitions covering a whole range of interests and disciplines, with House cups being awarded on a termly basis at Celebration Assemblies.

Each House is assigned a half-term within which to undertake at least one Community event and one Charity fundraiser for their chosen House charity. 

Weekly House Point update - 13th February 2025

Last term was the turn of Alder, Birch and Hawthorn to raise money for their chosen charities.

    house’s cake sale, Dodgeball competition and non-uniform day raised money for Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity.

 house's Christmas Fayre and 'Christmas Jumper Day' raised money for Purple Heart Wishes.

 house's candy-cane delivery service, Santa Fun Run and non-uniform day raised money for The Patrick Wild Centre, a charity close to the heart of a Hawthorn student.

A total of just over £4000 has been raised so far this 'House' year for charity. Well done!


Our community outreach initiative encourages each House to give back to the school or local community. This last term there was a lovely variety of initiatives aiming to make the world a better place!

Willow-een saw students engaging in a range of fun and relaxing activities at lunchtime with the aim of easing interaction between the year groups. Much fun was had!

 house undertook several litter picks around the town of Alcester making the beautiful town even more attractive!

 house designed and produced festive greetings cards which were kindly delivered by the Warwickshire Community Food Fleet on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to their customers, many of whom are older and more vulnerable members of the local community.

Thank you to you all- each AGS Learner and DHB house point counts!