Online and Internet safety
Our current top tips for staying happy and safe online:
- Always follow our mobile phone protocol in school
- Use good monitoring and filtering software at home
- Turn phones off and remove them from the bedroom after 10pm
- Never photograph your private parts
- Remember that your phone doesn't make you safer or smarter
- Remember that not everything online is real or true
To read our 'Mobile Device Protocol', please click here.
Other useful links
- Cyber Safe Warwickshire
- Internet Matters
- Childnet International
- Childline
- Kidscape
- - Bullying information for parents
- Bullying UK
- 'For me' app (Childline)
- WCC's 'Staying Safe Online' Facebook page
For more information please use the contact details below, or contact the school directly.
Warwickshire County Council's Family Information Service
Saltisford Office Park
Warwick CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 742274
Alternative telephone: 01926 742274