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Sixth Form Curriculum

We offer 25 subjects (24 A levels and 1 diploma).  A levels are still a highly valued academic qualification - sometimes alluded to as the 'gold standard' - and in demand. 

Unlike most schools, we have continued with starting four subjects in Y12 with the intention of dropping one in January of Y12 and then seeing three through to full A level. There is a very clear rationale for this -  74% of students continue for two years what was initially their fourth choice subject (and drop one of their ‘top three’).  Therefore, by definition, that flexibility gives them better A level results and increases options for post-18.  In short, few Y12s actually know what they are doing, where they are ‘going’ or what each of our 25 subjects is like! 

For those who are suitable we also offer the Extended Project Qualification in the third term of Year 12.

Due to the large number of students and subjects offered, there is no blocking of subjects - enabling a free choice of four subjects to almost every student.   

Please use the buttons to navigate to a subject page.